Articles written about this website and the Casavelli's experience


The Corrupt Judiciary

 It is disheartening to see what this country has become especially in the judicial system.
 Where truth is fleeting and lies are abundant.
When prejudice wins over fairness, and greed and corruption are adorned as achievements.
 Where treachery and deceit are deemed an accomplishment, and one's own soul cannot manifest the indignity, then, Humanity is lost.

  April 15, 2020.

A Legal System is Useless, If Law is Not Equally Enforced!
A Prevaricating Rapacious lawyer filing frivolous law suit to generate income from living a dilitory lifestyle.

Articles by Reaper

The Mind of a Pyromaniac or Criminally Minded.

What possesses a lawyer to commit arson?

 Pyromania is a type of impulse control disorder that is characterized by being unable to resist starting fires.
 People with pyromania know that setting fires is harmful. But setting fires is the only way they can relieve their built-up tension, anxiety, or arousal.
  But that is not the case in this instance...

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Lawyer commits fraud on the court.

Lawyer Bryan Eastin Commits Fraud on the Court...

 Bryan Eastin has openly violated Arizona law with the materially false statements to the court

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Lawyer admits to Arizona judge of willfully violating the law by initiating a Fraudulent Scheme.

Lawyer admits to Arizona judge of willfully violating the law by initiating a Fraudulent Scheme.

 Bryan Eastin has admitted to violating Arizona law with the statement of “Plaintiffs sought to take a judgment debtor examination of the Defendants after obtaining an interlocutory judgment against them” this statement appears in the “Response to Defendants’ Motion for Court to Order ...

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Bryan Eastin tells judge he recorded depositions improperly.

Bryan Eastin tells judge "he" recorded depositions improperly.

In open Court on April 8th., 2019, Bryan Eastin admitted in open court he secretly recorder depositions two different times which is in violation of Ariz. R. Sup. Ct. ER 8.4(c) states that “It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.”

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Court prints more than 3,500 pages of trial exibits for a litigant's attorney!

Court prints more than 3,500 pages of trial exibits for a litigant's attorney!

 Judge John Blanchard's court staff printed more than 3,500 pages of trial exibits for the Johansons and their lawyer Bryan Eastin!

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From Judge Bruce Cohen to Commissioner Mulleneaux Court Bryan Eastin has violated Arizona Rules and Laws!

Bryan Eastin Practicing Law like a Criminal!

 From Judge Bruce Cohen to Commissioner Mulleneaux Court Bryan Eastin has violated Arizona Rules and Laws!

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