The Disturbed Mind of a Pyro-lawyer

The Mind of a Pyromaniac

 Bryan Eastin feels satisfaction or relief after he sets a fire.
 Bryan Eastin is not a pyromaniac, although he may have been sexually abused or physically abused as a child or from harsh parenting, yet this does not make him a pyromaniac.
Bryan Eastin has disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders. These disorders cause Bryan Eastin to be aggressive towards people and/or property.
  Bryan Eastin has a hard time controlling his emotions and behavior. Yet with Bryan Eastin these disorders Lasts a long time, Happens frequently, Happens in different situations.
  It's important to distinguish between different motives. Lighting fires is considered to be a behavior, not a disorder.
  Arson is a crime, but Bryan Eastin doesn't have pyromania. Pyromania is a psychiatric disorder.
 What Bryan Eastin has is a deep seated demented and twisted mind, he thrills himself by Setting a fire to his adversaries property deliberately and with a purposeful intent.
 Bryan Eastin Feels energetic before starting a fire and destroying his advesary's property.
  Bryan Eastin is drawn to and obsessed with the destruction of fire.
 Bryan Eastin Feels pleasure and gratification when destroying his enemy's property, setting fires, seeing his enemy's loss by the fire and basking in the aftermath of the fire.
 Bryan Eastin Setting fires can't be explained by a psychiatric disorder.
 Bryan Eastin sets fires for the other reasons and not from pyromania.
  Bryan Eastin does it for: Monetary gain, To hide crime[s], Delusions, Impaired judgment, such as being under the delusion of grandeur A delusion of grandeur is a false belief in one's superiority or identity, which contradicts reality..
 Bryan Eastin's dementedness is more probable to child abuse.
  These impulses are usually from: Below normal intelligence, Having a mood disorder and Being mistreated as a child.
 Bryan Eastin is a criminal while the normal treatment of Cognitive behavior therapy will not work due to the complete lack of respect for human life.
 The judicial system would appear to be the petri dish to breed crime of a judicial nature in magnitude, if there is not some sort of accountability for Bryan Eastin.
 By definition, the criminal minded rejects accountability and their identity is based on circumvention of events.
 The criminal minded rejects ethics, for If there is a larger right, then the criminal minded is always wrong.
 The criminal minded doesn’t think themselves wrong and is detached from the civilian world, although criminal minded is capable of being a family person, or a deacon in the church, it is a ruse, for a criminally minded person can be all these things.
 Capable of love and loyalty when it suits his own selfinterest For power and monetary gain.