Vexatious Defendant
Vexatious Defendant
What is a vexatious defendant?
In Maricopa County Superior Court and the Arizona Appellate court, a vexatious defendant is anyone who is a litigant Pro Se.
Because you are "pro se" or "pro per", the court will treat you differently for that sole purpose.
If you do not like the treatment, then things will get worse, much worse, not only in the litigation but in all aspects.
Some have described this as the "Good ol boy" network, where lawyers and judges look out for each other and stubb out the efforts of anyone outside of the "Good ol boy" network, such as "pro per" litigant[s] who learns the system and the law as well as they have.
The "Good ol boys" believe pro per litigants are slow, dumb, ignorant, basically an ignoramus.
Although, the dictionary does not define a pro per or pro se litigant an idiot or ignoramus.
The definition of an ignoramous is: a term used to describe an utterly ignorant person or a dunce.
It originated from a farce by George Ruggle in 1615, where the title character, Ignoramus, is a lawyer who thinks he’s shrewd but is actually foolish and ignorant.
The word has Latin roots, meaning “we do not know,” which was used in English judicial proceedings to indicate insufficient evidence for prosecution. Today, it’s often used humorously or critically to refer to someone lacking knowledge they are expected to have.
So, the birth of the word ignoramus was from the actions of a lawyer! Who Knew.
The "Good ol boys" network doesn't think any pro per litigant should win over a represented party.
Appearently their fragile ego's can't comprehend a citizen can know the law enough, as well or better than the educated esquires.