About Us

About Us Page: What Should an About Us Page Include? In simple...  the Truth!

It is important for the public to understand that we live in times where our United States government is more self serving than representative of the people.
 This website is to display the actual case files in a frivilous lawsuit brought against members of the clergy and the unlawful acts committed to attain an unlawful win of a baseless lawsuit!
 There are those who prosper greatly from servitude to the evil one and the evil deeds committed in the evil one's name.

  1. Our Vision and Mission

    Nicholas and Nicolina Casavelli received their calling in life when they were in their early twenties.
     I (Nick) first felt the call to serve as early as High school.
     From that time onwards, I've had this feeling inside that this is what was I was intended to do.
     It's hard to rationalise, but it's something I can't deny. Where did it come from? I feel that my calling came to me through the people in my life. After years of studying in the word, I was ordained in my early 50's.
     Looking back, I can see how young and immature I was at the time. I had a lot of growing up to do. Painfully, I had to learn that I couldn't go on trying to please people like I used to please my parents. I had to really own with my heart, and not just my head, that I am never going to have a life like most people. I had to learn to let go and to trust. However, even during this period, I could not doubt that God had called me and is always with me and that the ministry is right for me.
     I have come to know the Lord more deeply. I can make the world a better place, not on my own, only through the guidence and wisdom gifted to me by the Father!
     Our goal is to expose the evil to the light, through the light of our Father, to bring truth, enlightenment and eternal life to the people, for the people not to be beguiled by the evil and should perish, but with truth and faith by "Grace" our gift from our Heavenly Father, will have everlasting life!

  2. When I was very young,

    I (Nick) went to church as alot of people did then. I listened to a man speaking about something I could not understand at that time, he spoke about Grace. I first thought he was speaking to someone in the church, yeah, I know, but in my defense I was 7 years old. I looked around the church and I saw no one who he could be speaking to.
     This did add to my confusion. One Sunday afternoon, I asked my Zia (Auntie) who was Grace? My Zia said Grace is not a "who", Grace is a gift from the Father. I asked my papà? Zia said no, not your dad, but the Father of Heaven.
     Yep! Right about now, you guessed it, I am about as confused as it gets. Zia said your papà raises you, but our Father guides you in life. This part I understood for only being seven. So, I asked Zia "who is Grace"? Zia said "Grace" is the gift which gives us everlasting life. Zia said "Grace is the gift through faith that we have everlasting life with our Father."
     At this point I was on the path to serve, God knew this and would make this clearer to me over time. He did, over the years a way of life had formed in me and became a part of me by the will of the Father!

  3. People are seeing in me,

    who I am for them. What I represent for them, the caring presence of God. People through their faith remind me of who I am, a living sign of Christ and God's love.
     When I listen to the dying sharing their lives, sharing their joys, and naming their regrets, I know that I am helping them make their peace with themselves and God. God through the ministry of the priesthood brings them peace.
     I am an ordinary human being and yet as a priest, I am an instrument of God's forgiveness.
     When I offer prayers at funeral services I know that our faith offers something real, worthwhile and lasting.
     The bonds of love and affection that bind us together in this life are not broken, even in death.

        As clergy, I know that I'm making a difference.

  4. Legal Notice:  Postings does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the owner, Reaper.one. Anyone who believes a posting is inaccurate or otherwise unfair should contact Reaper.one through the contact page. All content is public record or is owned with orginal copyrights © or used with permission.This site is not intended to harass, embarrass or annoy. This website is intended for public informative and educational purposes.
    Any statements or opinions are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.