The Corrupt Judiciary

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 These incidents all have a common factor, a Lawyer named Bryan Eastin.
 At crucial moments for Bryan Eastin in the litigations mention in this website, The Casavellis had disclosed to the courts through their motions, responses or replies, proof of Fraud or Forgery of Bryan Eastin, his law firm, Provident Law and his clients, Gary and Donna Johanson.

1st. Act of Damage:

On October 21st. 2019 the Casavelli's residence was damaged by an act of Arson believed to be iniated by Bryan Eastin or at the direction of Bryan Eastin.  
 Bryan Eastin or the Johansons sent their tenant, Anthony Schnieder to the Casavelli's house on November 3rd. 2017 at 8:30 AM. Anthony Schnieder was intoxicated, demanding paperwork and work to be preformed on the rental house he rented from GARPDON L.L.C., Anthony Schnieder was more than willing to cause problems and a likely suspect for setting the fire to the Casavelli's property.  
 A brown bottle (beer bottle) filled with an accelerant, possibly gasoline was thrown over the fence at a window on the side of the Casavelli's house.
 The fire bomb did not break the window, the bottle did shatter when it hit the concrete sidewalk below the window.
 The heat from the accelerant was so intense, it caused damage to the concrete foundation.
 The chemicals combined with the extreme heat made the concrete deteriorate.
 The concrete had a consistancy of lightly compacted powder that crumbled to the slightest touch.
 The fire burned the paint off the foundation and charred the paint on the brick wall.
 There was extreme smoke damage to the entire side of the house and under the roof eve. Estimates appraised the damage between $9,000.00 to $22,000.00.  
 On October 21 at 11:17 PM the Casavellis noticed the rear corner of their house was on fire, and immediately called fire department.
 The Fire department arrived and stated they suspected arson (how astute).
 The Maricopa County Sheriff Department arrived as well, the sheriff department stated they suspected arson, and forwarded a call to an arson investigator who came from Mesa Arizona to investigate this incident.
 By 3:12 AM on October 22 the arson investigator finished his initial investigation at the Casavellis’ residents.  
 At Current date, no one has been charged for any crimes comitted against the Casavelli's property for the act of arson.  
 This act of arson happened 2-days after the Casavellis obtained Gary T. Johanson's Deposition on video, where Gary stated in a sworn deposition Bryan Eastin was financially exploiting him and his wife Donna J. Johanson.
 Two days later the Casavelli's house was set on fire.
 The damage is shown in the top-left and top-middle pictures. 2nd. Act of Damage
 Shot in the upper left chest at 6:17 pm. on January 26th. 2021.
 One day before the Maricopa County Superior Court held a Show Cause and Evidentiary hearing on January 27th., 2021 one day earlier than the official noticed date of: January 28th., 2021.
3rd. Act of Damage:
 Hit and Run, Vehicular Assault: Hit by a car while jogging at 1:04 pm. on December 14th., 2021 4th. Act of Damage:
 Gun Shot; Shot at on November 29th., 2022, missed passengers, hit edge of tonneau cover and bed rail.